Here’s a FREE Training Program To Get You In Shape Within Six Weeks
Read all the way through today’s newsletter to get a 2-week PDF Program for the month of July, and a peak into how I work with clients all across the world with my mobile app.
Good Morning!
I’m sorry, everyone!
Yesterday’s newsletter only went out to paid subscribers, and I feel like an idiot.
Now I’ll think twice before I schedule my next post.
Anyway, let’s talk about summer workout programs.
I think more than enough resources are available for people wanting to lose weight online. I might even go so far as to argue there are too many. Many of these articles will lack nuance.
“What if I have GI issues?”
“What if I’m postmenopausal?”
There is no one-size fits all prescription for weight loss. The synchronicity of education, accountability, discipline, and consistency doesn’t just happen overnight.
For Non-Clients: A Free Training Program — my gift for the summer!
The SEO for this piece is impossible — it’ll likely get buried among the thousands of other think pieces, blogs, and articles preparing readers for summer with one 30-minute Booty Blast or Amazing Abs Circuit.
But luckily for you who are reading this particular newsletter, there's good news on this first whole week of July.
I’m re-releasing a free two-week exercise routine to start you toward a more consistent fitness routine for summer.
If you aren’t currently working with me and choose to follow the workout, I’m attaching it below and an opportunity to opt into the group training mailing list.
I can almost guarantee you’ll start the summer off with some noticeable progress.
You may not see drastic results after these two weeks, but you may notice some changes.
I hope that you’ll continue on a path of repetitive exercise, even if it’s not exactly like the routine I’ve created.
I’m making today’s post public and allowing comments so readers can opt into the extra features of this two-week routine, including a shared Google Sheet where I’ll list weekly goals for you to aspire for on top of your workouts and extra e-mails.
Notes For You Before You Download
The PDF workout I’m attaching below is best performed with fitness equipment like dumbbells and machines in the gym.
Anyone who comments on this post will have access to a shared Google Sheet Community, which will include daily and weekly habits like hydrating, walking, relaxing, and meditating.
Fitness results don’t just come from challenging work and exertion.
They also come from destressing and detaching. Your ability to down-regulate yourself from the stresses of your everyday life will do more for fat loss than you know.
I wouldn’t be giving you all a taste of free programming if I didn’t want you to succeed. None of these workouts are groundbreakingly new; you may have seen a lot of them before.
But each of you will be able to tailor this program to your individual needs. There’s no rigidity, so it’s as close to “one size fits all” as possible, allowing you to personalize your plan.
Please print and write on the PDF attached below with your notes, and DM me with any questions on my Instagram.
Alright, without further ado, here is your 2-Week Fat-Loss Starter Kit!
It’s a great time to start chipping away on some health goals, and I hope you enjoy this if we’ve had no previous experience working together.
Again, for the entire coaching experience, please leave a comment saying “include ME” below today’s newsletter to request access to the Habits Tracker on Google Sheets, where you can set yourself up for success and compete with other readers!
Have a great weekend.